Board of Trustees

A Parent-Governed School: It’s all about Partnership!

SCS is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of parents and supporters who are elected by fellow parents and school supporters. Today’s board shares the same vision established by our founders. We believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth for both faith and life and must be at the heart of all education.

Together through this Christian school/Christian home/Christian church partnership, every day we are actively raising up the next generation of Christian leaders who will impact the world both near and far for Jesus Christ!

Founding Documents

Current Board Members

Andrew Fortuine

Andrew Fortuine

Board Member

Adam Guenther

Adam Guenther

Board Member, Board President

Adam Guenther

Board Member, Board President

Start Date: 2022


Church Affiliation: Crossroads Community Church

Family Information: In addition to Michelle, we have two teens who attend Sheboygan Christian, Alison (Junior) and Josiah (Sophomore).

Employment Information: I am a Transactional Master Black Belt for Compassion International.    My role is to drive continuous improvement processes within this organization with the amazing purpose of “Releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.”

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with: I have been active in several areas, including worship ministry, small group leadership, Bible study leadership and various school activities.  While in the Navy, I was the religious programs officer (essentially the chaplain) for a 200-person crew on the USS Ingraham.  Most recently with Sheboygan Christian I assisted with the COVID response team.

What do you like most about SCS? Sheboygan Christian School does a great job of creating a learning environment in which students of different Christian faith backgrounds can grow while being exposed to the basic tenets of the Christian faith.  While there is value in the ecumenical nature of the school, it is also so important that the kids grow up knowing the Lord. SCS does a good job helping families in this task through the presentation of the Gospel in various modes, including journal entries, integration into classwork, and the personal witness of the teachers.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools?  Michelle and I committed to having our kids either homeschooled or in Christian school before they were even born.  We are committed to Christian education for our children and Sheboygan Christian was the best option within the Sheboygan area.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? It may sound obvious, but the most important goal for the school is knowing God and making him known in our children.  The mission of Christian education overall is to help raise up the next generation of Christian youth to impact the world for Christ, and Sheboygan Christian’s place is to make that happen within Sheboygan County.  

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? I think the school would benefit from working more with local churches to serve the community at large.  There are likely several opportunities for service with local churches in need of support or willing to partner on community outreaches for the less fortunate among us.  Such partnerships would fulfill Jesus’ command to serve while giving opportunity for word of mouth and potentially media coverage. 

 Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? When I was approached to consider the school board it was a great honor. My family and I prayed and discussed it at length. Together we ultimately decided that, if chosen, I have an opportunity to serve the community in a role for which my life experiences, both those acquired through schooling at Liberty University and through various work roles and areas of service, have prepared me.  If selected, I am looking forward to the opportunity to help SCS continue to be the beacon of Christian Education in our community.

Brittney Kramer

Brittney Kramer

Board Member, Board Secretary, Engagement Team Liaison

Brittney KramerGraduate 2001

Board Member, Board Secretary, Engagement Team Liaison

Start Date: 2022


Church Affiliation:  Hope Church

Family Information:  Rowan-4th grade, Madden-1st grade, Willa-3K

Employment Information: Northview Elementary Physical Education Teacher (Howards Grove)

Church/School Activities that you have been involved in: Nursery volunteer, Vacation Bible School, MOPS coordinator, Wednesday night activities leader, Children’s Church teacher, SCS auction lead solicitor, inaugural SCS parent ambassador, Apple pie volunteer, Good-As-New volunteer, One-Walk picnic and classroom volunteer

What do you like most about SCS? One of the things that I truly cherish about SCS is that each day when my children enter the doors of SCS, I am assured they will be engaged with and surrounded by followers of Christ. These are teachers who love them and are committed to helping and encouraging them in their faith.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? We chose SCS for our family because we wanted our children to have a Christ-centered education where they are taught from a Biblical worldview.  It was evident from day one that the teachers, administrators, and other staff were invested in the “whole child”.  

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS?  I believe the most important goal for SCS is to maintain sustainable growth.  This means a growth that our staff, administration, community, building, and resources can maintain, all while preserving excellence in a Christ-centered education.

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? I believe that SCS’ visibility is a two-fold approach of both a physical presence by our students and staff and by visual signage.  Our school does an amazing job of showing up to serve and give back to our community.  The bake sales, food drives, neighborhood clean-up days and service projects are ways that we can show our love of Christ in Sheboygan County.  If I could increase our visibility in one specific way, I would increase the signage around town.  Many people do not know where we are located or that we have such an extraordinary campus.  I would love to see a billboard on one of the major highways to advertise the mission and location of SCS.

Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? I am excited to be a part of what God has planned for SCS! We are facing some very exciting times of unprecedented growth.  I fully understand that with student and teacher population growth, in addition to building projects, comes the challenge of how to provide the space and resources needed to meet the academic, social, and spiritual needs of all students.  I feel that I can contribute in a positive way to the Board as we move forward with God’s blessing.

Ryan Moeller

Ryan Moeller

Board Member, Vicar

Ryan MoellerGraduate 1992

Board Member, Vicar

Start Date: 2020


Church Affiliation: Plymouth Alliance Church

Family Information: Four children; Natalie (SCS graduate), Megan (SCS graduate), Bobby (SCS senior), Joshua (SCS 9th grade).

Employment Information: Business owner

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with: Former middle school board member, auction committee, concessions, tickets, sports announcer, school worship team, church worship team and leader, church elder board, church youth director, church building committee.

What do you like most about SCS? SCS provides a quality education and training that incorporates God’s Word.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? It is the best school option in the area.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? Excellence in education, biblical training, incorporated with the gospel message of Christ.

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? Tell others outside of SCS about the school and explain why we are so thankful to have this option for our children. Encourage consideration.

Why did you accept to be nominated for the School Board? Always willing to answer the call of service when God moves or allows.

Veronica Norton

Veronica Norton

Board Member

Veronica Norton

Board Member


Spouse’s Name: Steven Norton 

Church Affiliation: Christ Community Church Sheboygan 

Family Information: Addison (10th Grade), Isabella (3rd Grade)

Employment Information: Anchor of Hope Health Center: Marketing Coordinator

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with: For church, I have been involved in attending and helping lead/organize women’s Bible study, helping at our VBS yearly, I am a member of our church’s Adult Ministries team, help with social media for our church Facebook as well as help prayerfully support my husband in his role as Decon. For SCS, I was a member and president of Booster Club a few years ago,I am currently One Walk chair and have helped in various activities for school events, my children’s classrooms activities/trips/sports and general involvement for a variety of school things. (Concessions, digital/media work, fundraising, etc.)

What do you like most about SCS? There are so many things I could list, but one of my favorite things about SCS is the real life application of education and Biblical teachings. Students get to learn and grow both academically and in their faith-and then they get to put that into action in real-world situations and grow as they gain an understanding of what it means to use their passions and gifts to serve God’s Kingdom. Secondly, my favorite thing is the school, student, family, and church connection. Having a stable foundation of growth not only for students, but partnering with parents and churches to form and build connections to really help students grow and be supported is a huge blessing and gift.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? Our oldest daughter had attended SCS for pre-school, but then switched to public school from K-4th grade. I think the path to choosing SCS again was more of God’s plan that it was ours. When we had applied for a voucher for her to attend SCS for 5th grade, at the time, my husband was not a believer yet and we did not belong to a consistent church at the time. I had prayerfully wanted her to attend SCS (having known many parents who had kids attending SCS at the time) and as there were many challenges she was facing at public school. I knew and felt led that I wanted her to be in an environment where she could talk openly about her faith and grow in that aspect. God had that planned out more than I could ever describe. Along with other factors, God’s plans to land her at SCS led us to our church, led my husband to faith, and was a part of changing our family dynamics and story for His glory. When it came time to continue her at SCS and choose SCS for our youngest-there was no question that the impact SCS was having on our children, our family and our community was evident and it is a prayerful and confident decision we make each year to continue them at SCS and why we recommend SCS to anyone we get the opportunity to.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? I think one of the biggest things I have seen as my kids get older is to prepare students to hold steady to their faith when they go into the world and have the academic teachings to grow in the areas God calls them to. The way SCS wraps all the academics and learning in and through scripture, and the way they connect it all together-I believe helps shape the students to be equipped in faith and academic stability when they leave the walls of SCS. I also think that an important goal is continuing to build on the parent, church and community connection with SCS. Partnership with parents and encouraging, supporting and equipping those areas to teach Biblical values at home and belonging to a church and partnering with SCS to help create students who have Biblical foundations in all areas to grow and expand in faith.

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? I honestly think SCS does a great job at community engagement and connections, knowing that there is always room for growth. As parents who come from non-faith homes and who are building families on Biblical truths and foundations for the first time (which I do not think we are alone in as SCS dynamics and families change), an idea that I have thought of would be to have parent nights with specific topics to help grow your students faith at home. I think this could contribute to creating that SCS, parent, church, etc. connection.

Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? Our family is always open to helping and supporting in any areas of school where things are needed as we can or are called, because we are so grateful for the opportunity that our girls get to have to be SCS students. This was a prayerful decision that I brought to God and even in moments where I do not feel qualified-I have learned to trust His leading. I think helping to support school with the unique position our children are in is helpful as well to bring fresh ideas and thoughts. It is helpful when you have big kids and little kids to see a variety of sides to things going on at and within SCS, so having a 10th grader and a 3rd grader helps to understand multiple angles and ideas.

Zachery Rosenthal

Zachery Rosenthal

Board Member

Zachery Rosenthal

Board Member


Spouse’s Name: Gabrielle Rosenthal 

Church Affiliation: Word of Grace 

Family Information: We have 3 beautiful daughters; ages 15, 11, and 8.

Employment Information: I am employed as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist with Aurora Health Care.

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with: My wife is the Grace Kids Director at Word of Grace church, so I find myself doing many extra activities there.  In particular, I am involved with the children’s ministry on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings.  We also started up and ran Women’s breakfast for two years (I did the cooking).  

What do you like most about SCS? I love that the school has grown!  In an evangelical sense, it is wonderful that more families can benefit from the blessing that this school is to our community. 

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? In our growth of life and our faith journey, we have found Christian education to be essential for our children’s lives.  Gabby has homeschooled in the past and that was a rewarding experience.  So as we moved back to Sheboygan and became settled here, we needed to find a school with values that aligned with ours.  I always knew of SCS’s reputation, being a native to Sheboygan.  It was an easy choice to join to seek enrollment here.  The school has been nothing short of excellent.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? The most important goal should be that all things point to the Father.  God’s glory needs to be found in the students’ everyday experiences.  Also, decisions pertaining to policy and education should be rooted in biblical wisdom and truth.  

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? Depending on the overall vision and goal in mind, I would look at options to become involved in other community events, and align with Christian organizations that SCS does not have a current presence with.  This could be something as simple as participating in local corporate fairs, or hosting more events similar to Ed Talks, or other public community seminars.  

Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? I appreciated the request to prayerfully consider applying to be a part of the school board.  It is a great way to be more involved in my children’s education and in the community.  

Andy Tislau

Andy Tislau

Board Member, Board Treasurer

Mark VandeSlunt

Mark VandeSlunt

Board Member

Scott Warmus

Scott Warmus

Board Member, Board Vice President, Van Driver

Scott Warmus

Board Member, Board Vice President, Van Driver


Spouse’s Name: Erica Warmus 

Church Affiliation: Hope Church 

Family Information: Paige, 21, attends UW Stout as a Graphic Design Major. Connor, 17, junior at SCS.

Employment Information: Matchbox LLC

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with:

  • Church
    • Deacon at Hope Church 
    • Assisted in the Capital Campaign project
    • Assisting with Havens of Hope and Potter’s Place
  • School
    • Currently on the maintenance team assisting with the cleaning of the school
    • JV Soccer Coach
    • One Walk picnic cook and clean-up
    • Christmas Fest set up and clean-up
    • Auction committee member
    • Apple Pies volunteer
    • Chair Team (setting up and down for community and school events)
    • Discovery Term teacher (2024) 
    • Former Board member and President
    • Other volunteer work

What do you like most about SCS? Community… is that simple. I never cease to be amazed at the support, the kindness, the generosity of spirit and the willingness to improve the lives of not only the students who attend SCS but the faculty and the community at large.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? We wanted to send them to a Christian school, and it was the best fit for our children’s personalities and strengths.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? Keep growing and improving. I do not simply mean numbers as we are getting close to maxing that out. What I mean by this is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the students who attend and of the families who are in the community. SCS has a wonderful product, and it should be constantly improved upon to make the school better for more than just the students who currently attend

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? More community outreach. I would love to see an expansion of the service clubs. I want to see more involvement in the community that we operate in.

Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? If I can help, I will. I am truly not trying to be cute about the answer. If my service on the board can help SCS, I will do it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the SCS Board of Trustees?

The SCS Board of Trustees is the governing body of Sheboygan Christian School. This board consists of 9 members who may each serve 3 year terms. At the end of their 3 year term, board members may be asked to “re-up” for a second consecutive term of 3 more years. After completing 6 consecutive years (2 back-to-back three year terms) board members must step back from active, voting member status of the board for a full 2 years. After 2 years from their prior service has passed, former board members are welcome to be a part of the nomination process again.

Board officers include: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

What are the qualifications to serve on the Board of Trustees?

– Professing Christian
– Attend scripturally sound church
– Agree with Article 2 and 3 of the SCS constitution
– Financially support the school through annual fundraising contributions (annual drive, capital campaign, etc.)
– Parent of student or Parent of alumni
– If parent, student must be enrolled for a minimum of two years
– Model SCS core values

What are the requirements to serve on the Board of Trustees?

– Attend board of trustees meetings held twelve times a year. Your presence is valued and your active  participation (minimum of 10 meetings per annum) is a critical component of board deliberations
– One time per year on campus experience as arranged by administration
– Attend annual strategic planning meeting
– Attend annual Association meetings
– Attend school events
– Commit to on-going professional development as a trustee by attending one board training session annually  (Board Leadership Conference or equivalent Board Training session)
– Serve on a minimum of one committee or task force
– Read and be familiar with material sent to you in advance of board and committee meetings
– Duties and Functions of Full Board
– Set policy according to constitution
– Budget planning
– Strategic planning strategy deployment
– Professional development / learning
– Work with administration team to set targets and objectives
– Focus on vision, mission and strategy, (Not run the day to day school)
– Hire admin, succession planning, organization  chart
– Fiscal responsibility both current and future

What skills & attributes do we look for in members of the Board of Trustees?

– Collaboration
– Communication
– Resourceful connections
– Amenable with consensus
– Advocate for school
– Leadership
– Confidentiality
– Time commitment
– Conflict resolution
– Courage to share opinions
– Solution focused
– Willingness to debate
– Big picture / Future focused
– Decision making
– Professionalism
– Loves the Lord

How does the election process work?

The Sheboygan Christian School Association meets annually to accomplish two key items:

  • To vote on whether or not to approve the proposed budget for the following year.
  • To elect members for the Board of Trustees

The association is given the profiles and qualifications of each board nominee prior to the meeting. Nominees are elected on a simple yes/no vote from the majority of those in attendance (and counting absentee ballots) at the association meeting. If elected, the new board members will begin their three year term of service at the start of the following board calendar year.

How does the Board of Trustees make decisions?

Motions come to the board of trustees from the various subcommittees that report to the board. These committees include:

  • Finance Committee
  • School Improvement Plan Committee
  • Facility Planning Committee
  • Policy Committee
  • Engagement Team
  • Other various task forces with temporary/time sensitive tasks

These committees and task forces meet to address potential issues/changes that the Board of Trustees might consider. Motions are brought to the nine member board for vote. If approved, the motion will be documented and communicated to the SCS community.

I have a question, concern, or complaint, about our school. Where do I go?

We follow the biblical principles put forth in Matthew 18. We first go to the party responsible. Typically, this is a teacher or an administrator. If you have an issue with a teacher or administrator, you first take up a conversation with them. If you are unsatisfied with the conversation, you can then move to the administrator in charge, and ultimately the Board of Trustees. If you ask a member of the Board of Trustees about a question, concern, or complaint related to an SCS faculty, staff, or administrator, their very first question to you will be, “Have you spoken with that person?”. If you have not followed the above protocol, they will first send you back to original party involved.

Is SCS a parent-run school?

Nope! Sheboygan Christian School is not a parent-run school. We are a parent governed school. This may seem like a small distinction, but we actually believe it’s a pretty important one. We are blessed with an excellent team of professional administrators. This team handles the day-to-day operations of the school. The administration runs the school- our Board of Trustees has hired them to do just that! The role of the Board of Trustees is to govern the school, not run it. We see governing as the following:

  • Protect the mission
  • Direct the vision
  • Select board nominees & equip members
  • Respect the proper decision making process of the school
  • Expect each board member to wear the right “hat” when serving on the board
  • Inspect the progress of the school against the strategic plan
  • Correct (& if necessary eject) poor behavior of those serving on the board

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