SCS Stories: Weber Family
What do you love about Sheboygan Christian School?
The unity, love among the parents, staff and students.
Why did you choose Sheboygan Christian School for your children?
We chose SCS because we saw the connection (spiritually, emotionally and physically) between the teachers & staff with the students. Being a volunteer for the Bread Basket, I was able to get a glimpse of the interaction every week and it drew me to want to know more about SCS. Finding out that they start the day off with prayer and have monthly worship was mind-blowing, as well as being faith based. Our hope and prayer is that our children are raised in a Christ centered home and school. SCS was a piece needed for our lives. We are so happy with SCS!
In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at SCS?
They want more of Christ, their lives hunger for more of Him, and they’ve been able to grow in their knowledge of the Bible.
In what ways have you seen your children grow academically as a result of their experience at SCS?
We have seen them flourish. Being in a smaller school, they’re able to ask more questions, get more help and understand better. We’ve seen a huge change in grades (increased) and interacting more academically.
One of our key values is partnership. How does SCS partner with your family to raise and educate your children?
SCS presents the gospel with education. At first, we questioned how this would be done, but our kids come home with what is taught, and now they/we can apply it to their lives.
What sets SCS apart from other schools?
The leadership, being that SCS does not tolerate what other schools would. We’ve seen SCS handle behavior in ways other schools never have. Most importantly, God is in the midst of the school. Without God our children, our family, our community is not as it should be. SCS definitely demonstrates God being the center.
What would you say to a prospective family considering enrollment at Sheboygan Christian School?
I would encourage them to shadow. That is how our family fell in love!