Rachael Bilyk
Rachael has taught 6th-12th math and science courses since 2017, and is excited to continue at SCS teaching middle school math and STEM. As an educator, she strives to inspire students not only to have a heart for learning and academics, but a heart for Christ. Her deep hope is that students are empowered to develop their God-given gifts, seeking to bring glory to Him in everything they do. She loves all things math and science, and loves being able to show students all the ways our natural and mathematical world continuously points back to the Creator.
In her free time, she and her husband Ben love to go hiking, exploring WI state parks and national parks, kayaking, biking, and going on adventures with their dog, Calvin. She is an avid gardener, and she loves to learn and share about plants and flowers. She and her husband currently attend Vineyard Church in Grafton, WI.