High School- it’s your turn! Phase Three will allow for the expansion of our growing high school program. We’ll have more space for more students, and, just as importantly, the ability to expand our curricular and extra curricular offerings.
The entirety of the scope of Phase 3 will take place on the south end of our existing building footprint. The creative use of the natural landscape (that hill near the JV Soccer field) will allow us to build a multi-level structure that has an “upper level” in line with the existing building and a lower level at the base of the hill—all overlooking the soccer space.
Phase 3: Expanded Middle & High School
- +7 High School Classrooms (three upper, three lower)
- +1 Middle School Classroom
- Updated Cafeteria
- Commercial Grade Kitchen
- 2 Special Ed Resource Rooms
- Music Program upgrades: Brand new space for Band/Orchestra and Choir
- New HS Locker Rooms
Cost: $8.75MM

Phase 3: Let’s Do This!
Partner with us to turn the vision of Phase 3 into a reality