Dr. Parks Visits Ethics Class

Dr. Samuel Parks is an anesthesiologist at St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan and a parent of two SCS students. Dr. Parks recently visited Sheboygan Christian Schools’ Doctrine and Ethics class.
The junior/senior class, led by Pastor Dave Veldhorst leads SCS students through two distinct, but related areas of study: biblical doctrine and ethics. The Bible is the main text and forms the basis for our answers (as well as questions). This course is “hands on” and is designed to confront students with personal faith questions such as: “What do I believe?”, “Why do I believe what I believe?”, “What specifically does the Bible say about various attitudes or activities?”, and “What is my moral responsibility as a Christian in the world?”.
Dr. Parks met with Doctrine and Ethics class students to discuss medical ethics. He spoke about ethical dilemmas connected to the medical field generally and to anesthesiology specifically. Students listened to his speech and were given time to ask meaningful questions of a field expert. Dr. Parks did a great job helping students think deeply and Christianly.
Thanks to Pastor Veldhorst and to Dr. Parks for creating such an engaging and thought provoking conversation for our students!