God is on the Move
Dear Parents and Friends of SCS,
God is on the move at SCS. Although there are days when my head is spinning with all of the changes, I know God is at work in all of these changes. God invites us to move with Him, to “set out” at His command, much like the Israelites did long ago. Isaiah reminds us of God’s active leadership in Isaiah 43:16-21.God’s provision and leadership at SCS has been particularly evident in SCS’s growth this year. Growth in numbers. Growth in new families. Growth in new messaging. Growth in expanding Christian education in Sheboygan County. Please join me in praising God for some of these details!
- 246 students 3K-12
- 45 new students
- 36 new families
- 3% increase in enrollment (four times the number of new students compared to last year, double the number of new students from the last 2 years combined!)
Please continue to pray that our school will obediently follow God’s leading. Within the next two months the following committee members will be working diligently to find the right person to fill the Director of Finance and Development position: Myron Bolkema, Sharon Eggebeen, Becca Flipse, Eric Grasse, Eric Otte, Ann Steenwyk, Lori TenHoor, and Steve VanDrunen. In the interim, John Warmus has graciously agreed to fill in to continue the work that Justin Zylstra has started. John is an alumnus of SCS and SCCHS. He and his wife, Betsy, have three children: Natalie (4K), Grace, and Sophie. John is well known in our community and is passionate about SCS and its growth. He has emphatically expressed his desire to help us fulfill our mission and vision in the interim, as we search for our new administrator. John has an undergraduate degree from UW Milwaukee and an MBA from Lakeland College with a focus in finance. He is currently employed with Matchbox LLC as the Director of Client Services. He travels all over the country training corporations through Matchbox University (which he started), and his employer has graciously agreed to share him with us over the next couple of months. In the summer, John is the Head Director of Camp Calvin and manages not only about 325 kids but also a large staff of camp counselors. John is also actively involved in his church, Hope Reformed Church, where he serves as a youth Sunday School teacher, First Hope Meal coordinator (and server), and church leader (Vision Team, Deacon).
Please also continue to pray for the Steering Committee, the Capital Campaign work, our teachers, and our most importantly our students. Thank you for your continued support of our school. We invite you to join our work in any way that you can. It’s the right work!
In Christ,
Ann Steenwyk
Director of Academics & Instruction