2024 Senior Capstone Night of Celebration
The Capstone Night of Celebration is an event our community looks forward to each year! Our community is invited to our campus to walk through all of our Seniors’ Capstone displays and learn more about each of their Capstone topics. This is a special way we celebrate their year long efforts for the Capstone project.
What exactly does the Senior Capstone Project entail? Early in the year, students identify a social issue that they care about. Students then complete the following throughout the school year: research paper, field work and community action, defense of the topic to a group of panelists, and their final presentation at the Capstone Night of Celebration. The goal is for students to articulate a Christian perspective in response to the topic addressed and that the student’s faith in Jesus Christ and a desire to serve him in our society will grow.
We were able to celebrate their work and their findings at an open house. Thank you seniors for your meaningful work in these important areas of study.
See the Capstone topics our seniors selected and photo highlights of the Capstone Night of Celebration below!
– Sleep Deprivation and its Effects on Students | – How do Christians Work Within a Secular Foster Care System? |
– The Importance of Sustainable Nutrition | – White-nose Syndrome and its Effects on Bats |
– The Long Term Effects of Foster Care on Child Development | – The Normalizing of Hookup Culture in Young Adults |
– Substance Abuse | – Preparing Students for the Trades |
– Problems with Early Sport Specialization in Youth Athletics | – Gun Control |
– The Increase in Identified Anxiety & Depression in American Teens | – Homelessness in America |
– The Echo Chamber Effect | – The Use of AI in the Educational System |
– Alcohol Overuse and Consequences | – Warning signs of Human Trafficking |
– Understanding Autism at School & in the Workplace | – Music Therapy |
– Mental Health in Adopted Children | – The Impact of Divorced Parents on Adolescents’ Mental Health |
-Adolescence Depression and Impact of Social Media | -ADHD Perceptions and Reality |
-Crisis of Biblical Masculinity in America | -Reality of Renewable Energy |
-Stereotyping Adoptees | -Afghan Refugees in the U.S. |
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